Executive Invitation – Breakfast Briefing | A Global Insight into the Economy: Are Policymakers Out of Ammunition?
An in-depth analysis of the global economy, its major risks and policy challenges and what it means for Australia presented by Global Chief Economist Dr Paul Sheard
Date: Tuesday August 15, 2023
Venue: The Botanical, 169 Domain Rd, South Yarra VIC 3141
Time: 8:00 -10:00am
Event is being presented in conjunction with the Risk Management Institute of Australia
Register via email: daniel.antman@brykgroup.com
We are delighted to have secured a unique opportunity to invite you to an executive briefing with one of the world’s most renowned global economists Dr Paul Sheard and author of the Wall Street Journal best seller, the Power of Money. Dr Paul Sheard was the global chief economist for one of the true powerhouses in the financial markets – S&P Global. His insights in the lead up to the GFC, and analysis in the years following, is widely regarded as some of the most influential economic commentaries of the time.
Paul has recently released a booked entitled the Power of Money that has hit the Wall St Journal Best Seller list and is highly sought after. As an added benefit of attending the briefing, we will be providing attendees with a complimentary copy of Paul’s book. This exclusive address will bring a truly international view on the global economy at a time where we are all wondering where rates, inflation, and the financial markets are going.
In addition, we will be spending some time considering the existential threat that cyber fraud and identity theft is having on the economy and demonstrating one of the key tools available to businesses to help mitigate the risk. BRYK Group CEO David Brykman will provide important insights on this high-risk issue.
About the BRYK Group:
David Brykman – CEO
At BRYK Group we work across all stages of business transformation. From developing a strategy, designing and delivering bespoke IT solutions to maintaining them, we have you covered. We have invested heavily in systems that provide the highest level of security and the smoothest customer experience when onboarding new users and authenticating existing users. Our CEO and founder David Brykman is a software strategist, change agent and leader of professional firms that focus on excellence. His work around digital ID and user authentication is providing organisations of all types and sizes with tools to help mitigate the ever increasing cyber threats.
About the Speaker:
Paul Sheard is Senior Fellow of the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard Kennedy School. Previously, he was Vice Chairman of S&P Global, after serving as Executive Vice President and Chief Economist. Earlier, he held chief economist positions at Standard & Poor’s Ratings Services, Nomura Securities and Lehman Brothers, and was Head of Japan Equity Investments at Baring Asset Management. Sheard was on the faculty of the Australian National University (ANU) and of Osaka University, and was a visiting assistant professor at Stanford University and foreign visiting scholar at the Bank of Japan.
Sheard is a member of the World Economic Forum’s Global Future Council on the New Economic Agenda (2018-2020) and was a member of the WEF’s Global Agenda Council on the International Monetary System (2010-2012). He was appointed twice, by Prime Minister Hashimoto and by Prime Minister Obuchi, to serve on committees of the Japanese Government’s Economic Deliberation Council. He is on the board of the Foreign Policy Association and is a member of the Bretton Woods Committee, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Economic Club of New York. Sheard served as a non-executive director of ORIX Corporation (2003-2010). He speaks regularly at conferences around the world, and his views on the global economy and policy are frequently cited in the international press.
About the RMIA
The Risk Management Institute of Australasia (RMIA) is the leading professional institution and industry association for Risk Managers in the Asia Pacific region. We have a rich, thirty-year pedigree in servicing the professional development needs of our membership base which spans both private and public enterprise risk professionals, as well as all major sectors of the economy.
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